- Online Chinese Collocation Assistant (北京师范大学中文搭配助手)
- BCC语料库
- 有道词典
- 金山词霸 (iCIBA)
- CNKI翻译助手
- Chinese Grammar Wiki (中文语法维基)
- Basic Rules of Hanyu Pinyin Orthography/中文拼音正词法基本规则
- CNKI Reference Works (CNKI工具书馆; CrossAsia license)
- Apabi 工具书 (CrossAsia license)
- 北大法宝 (CrossAsia License)/PKULaw (CrossAsia License)
- 國家教育研究院: 雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網
- 中華語文知識庫 (Chinese Linguipedia)
- Babelcarp Chinese Tea Lexicon
- Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (TLS, 漢學文典)
- Notes on Literary Chinese
- Chinese Text Project (中國哲學書電子化計劃)
- 漢達文庫 (CHANT Chinese Ancient Texts Database; CrossAsia License)
- 韻典網
- DILA: Glossaries for Buddhist Studies/佛學術語字辭典
- 搜韻
- 小學堂
- 顧國林: 古音小鏡
- 漢文字詞典 (漢語大詞典、漢語大字典、故訓匯纂、古音匯纂、王力古漢語字典、古漢語常用字字典、字源、ABC上古漢語詞源詞典、古字通假會典等)
- Paul W. Kroll: A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese (CrossAsia License)
- Brill Asian Studies E-Books Online (CrossAsia License)
- Classical Historiography for Chinese History (中國經典文獻工具書錄), especially the “Sinological Toolkit”
- 兩千年中西曆轉換 (Sinocal)
- Kuribayashi Hitoshi 栗林均: 「モンゴル諸語と満洲文語の資料検索システム」 (Online Dictionary and Full-Text Search of Mongolian Languages and Written Manchu)
- 中華經典古籍庫 (Zhonghua Ancient Books Database; CrossAsia License)
- Learning the other Chinese
- 開放中文轉換 Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC)
- Chinese to Pinyin Converter
- Conversion table for romanizations of Chinese
- 漢字情報研究センター・データベース (Documentation and Information Center for Chinese Studies (DICCS))
- 東洋学文献類目検索 (Bibliography of Oriental Studies on the Web)
- 東方學デジタル圖書館 (Oriental Studies Digital Library)
- 日中(簡・繁)漢字変換 (Chinese/Japanese character form converter)
- 漢字変換道具 (Kyūjitai/Shinjitai converter)
- 漢籍善本全文影像資料庫
- 東京大学史料編纂所・データベース選択/Historiographical Institute of The University of Tokyo Database List
- DJT Japanese
- 辞書 (jisho)
- Weblio国語辞典
- goo辞書
- コトバンク (Kotobank)
国語辞書 – エキサイト 翻訳 (Excite dictionary)- Jim Breen’s WWWJDIC: Text Glossing
- Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar Guide
- A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar
- Convert kana to romaji
- 書法大師
- 史的文字データベース連携検索システム (Multi-database Search System for Historical Chinese Characters)
- ROIS-DS人文学オープンデータ共同利用センター (ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities)
- 日本古典籍くずし字データセット検索 (Pre-Modern Japanese Text Kuzushiji Dataset Search)
- AIくずし字OCRサービス (Kuzushiji OCR Service)
- 変体仮名を調べる (Variant kana)
- 極印と改印 – 時代区分 (Censor seals)
- Viewing Japanese Prints: Inscriptions and Seals on Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints
- Katō Yoshio 加藤好夫: 「浮世絵文献資料館」 (Ukiyo-e Reference Materials Library)
- 版元一覧 (Publishers Overview)
- 落款・印鑑検索サイト (Inkan Search)
- ARC浮世絵ポータルデータベース (ARC Ukiyo-e Portal Database)
Social Science Research
- Kieran J. Healy: The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science (PDF)
- William M. K. Trochim: Research Methods Knowledge Base
- China Vitae (中国名人录)
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Oxford Reference English Dictionaries
- Oxford Reference Bilingual Dictionaries
- Oxford Collocations Dictionary (mirror)
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- WordNet Dictionary
- ProWritingAid Collocations Dictionary
- LanguageTool Style and Grammar Check
- Online hyphenation tool
- The Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
- Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies Style Sheet (PDF)
- The Chicago Manual of Style Online, especially the “Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide”
- Erik Taal: Arabic Language Resources (Hans Wehr, Lane’s Lexicon, J. G. Hava, المورد, لغات القرآن, Grammar)
- Ali Jahanshiri علی جهانشیری: Persian Language Tools (Verb Conjugator, Grammar)
- 免费中文字体 (Free Chinese Fonts)
- Noto Sans CJK/Noto Serif CJK, also known as Source Han Sans/Source Han Serif
Firefox add-ons
- uBlock Origin
- Perapera Chinese Popup Dictionary
- 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp)
- Bypass Paywalls Clean
- Readability based Reader View
- Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund: R for Data Science
- Hadley Wickham: Advanced R
- Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan: R Packages
- Jennifer Bryan and Jim Hester: What They Forgot to Teach You About R
- Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace: Efficient R Programming
- Julia Silge and David Robinson: Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach
- Kieran J. Healy: Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction
- Robin Lovelace, Jakub Nowosad, and Jannes Münchow: Geocomputation with R
- Edzer Pebesma and Roger Bivand: Spatial Data Science
- Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim: Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive Into R and the Tidyverse
- Tidyverse
- 杨学辉:
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- Xu Mingchu:
- Chris Muir:
- 中文常用停用词 (Chinese stop words)